Friday, November 16, 2012

Composting freely....

Moving around a lot, I've left a number of composting styles in my wake.  The latest move took away my easiest compost site: behind the garage where plain piles were not visible.  

In my new yard I don't have such a convenient spot and needed something to hide the compost in.  I also needed to get rid of some of the junk the previous owners had left in the backyard.  Killing two birds with one stone feels pretty good.

1 lidless plastic trash bin
Compostable material

My dearest husband sawed off the bottom of the trash bin.  He's using a saber saw
here but for the first bin he actually used a wood saw.  He said both worked.
He followed a divot in the bin design to make for an easier cutting line.

When the wheels were off, we tipped the bin over.  The open top (now the bottom)
allows the compost to touch the ground making it easier for composting "bugs" to
get in and work their magic.  It means I don't have to add any compost accelerator
to the mix.  

Ken wants to add a hinge of some sort to keep the wheeled lid on but I think
they make great scoops for when I transfer and mix compost.  For now, I simply
balance them over the opening to slow down some of the evaporation.

Finally add your compostables (here grass clippings and weeds).  
Mix well and wait...

P.S.  We have considered drilling holes up the sides to increase aeration.  However, this is our first composting experience in New Mexico where it's really dry.  I'm waiting to see how fast these bins dry out before I decide on any more modifications.  

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